15 03 17
apéro clôture du séjour de recherche @ Labo
beers & food from 6pm
du 7 au 15 mars
Temporary production studio for short ventriloquist’s sounds run by OVV, the Order of Visionary Ventriloquists a kind of sound-and-idea-laboratorium at LABO Genève during 4 Days in March 2017
OVV (Order of Visionary Ventriloquists) is the current LapTopRadio group doing research on and around the disembodied voice and ventriloquism.
Members: Ashley Cook, Emile Dumas, Jonathan Frigeri, Isabel Guerrero, Pablo Hurtado, Camille Lacroix, Victor Le, Sarah L’Hérault, Audrey Julien, Natacha de Oliveira, Arttu Palmio, Laurence Rasti, Nathalie Rebholz, Laurent Schmid, Sara Silva Santos, Eva Zornio
an OVV* evening at PNEU at vélodrôme, Geneva, March 2
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