Le 13 septembre, parallèlement au finissage de l’exposition Engrammes, au sous-sol, une performance sonore débutera à 19h30 par le collectif d’artistes suédois [Krig]
Mackapär for Imaginary Spaces
[Krig] est une collaboration artistique entre Jon Perman et Karin Bäckström. [krig] est un rituel, un mouvement, un sentiment. [krig] se sont nommés d’après la tradition de l’esthétique punk provocatrice, une idée de la résistance et de l’éthique du bricolage. Ensemble, ils sortent des disques, réalisent des installations, gèrent une galerie indépendante dans une petite ville industrielle de Suède et organisent des projets artistiques utilisant le nom [krig] comme identité partagée. [krig] explore la possibilité de créer un espace temporaire de nouvelles réalités et de nouveaux comportements sociaux, né au travers d’activités de création de cafés, de performances et de musique, ainsi que par une organisation artistique.
Mackapär for Imaginary Spaces
– Performance/concert/process at Le Labo
13 09 2019
[krig] will do a ritual of constructing a space of textile and music the Le Labo basement. It is a live performance and an experiment, but also a collective process where the visitors are invited to take part in the construction.
[krig] is an artistic collaboration between Jon Perman and Karin Bäckström. [krig] is a ritual, a movement, a feeling. [krig] named themselves after the tradition of provocative punk aesthetics, an idea about resistance, and DIY ethics. Together they release records, make installations, run an independent gallery in a small industrial town in Sweden, and organise artistic projects using the name [krig] as a shared identity. [krig] explores the possibility of creating a temporary space of new realities and social behaviours, coming into existence through caft-making, performative and musical activities, as well as by artistic organisation.
Their artworks are used to initiate a situation, a play between visitor, participator and observer. Like a dance floor, everyones role is different and the participation is voluntary. It is an idea about the creation of your own reality, by making a space of your own that offers alternatives to given ways of behaviour. Not as a function, but as a collective process that turns into actions, performances, objects and situations. Like a meeting between worlds, a dance floor, the story of a city or the alleged truth of reality.
Karin and Jon are currently participating in the OPTIC residency at Picto Association. During their stay they have initiated a process off collecting material, sound and textile, from their encounters with the city and its people. Like a material based log of their stay.
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